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Patents in Nepal

Nepal has ratified the Paris Convention in 2001 and therefore it is possible to file a patent application claiming convention priority in Nepal. The Conventional Application must be made within 12 months from the date of earliest priority

 Patent filing requirements in Nepal
1. An application form executed in presence of two witnesses. (can be submitted later on)

2. A power of attorney executed in presence of two witnesses.(can be submitted later on)
3. Notarized copy of complete specification including claims (in English).
4. Notarized/certified copy of Filing Receipt or application in English language in case of Priority Claim
5. Notarized/certified copy of Home Registration Certificate of patent in English language

 Various Stages of Patent prosecution in Nepal are as follows:

  1. Filing of Application
  2. Formal Examination to determine whether the application fulfills the necessary procedural and formal requirements
  3. Invitation for correcting where necessary documents are missing or required correction.
  4. Substantive examination to check whether invention is novel, involves inventive step and has industrial applicability and other requirements under Nepal’s Patent Law
  5. Notification as to reasons for refusal, if invention fail to meet substantive requirements
  6. Response to notification of refusal
  7. Acceptance of Application
  8. Payment of Registration fee
  9. Issuance of Certificate of Patent

 Publication of Registered Patent

The Registered Patent shall be published unless the invention is deemed fit to be kept secret for national interest. Upon Publication, anyone can obtain copy of the Patent Document on payment of prescribed fee.

 Complaint/ Opposition to a Registered Patent

Any Complaint/ Opposition to a Registered Patent can be made within thirty five (35) days from date on which the Registered Patent is seen or a copy of such Patent document is obtained.   

Term And Renewal of Patent in Nepal

The Term of Patent is seven (7) years and is further renewable for two terms of seven (7) years each. Therefore Nepal allows Patent term for 21 years.


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